At the end of July, insideARM announced the formation of a new not-for-profit organization, the Accredited Healthcare Business Associates (AHBA), to bring together ARM companies that serve the healthcare industry.  AHBA members must demonstrate experience working medical acounts and adhere to a host of rigorous standards in order earn accreditation.  The group’s organizers originally planned to launch AHBA in September, but several infrastructure snags which have since been resolved (website development, for example) delayed the official kick-off.

Today, AHBA announced the members of its Advisory Board.  The Board is currently in the process of reviewing final accreditation standards before application materials are sent to collection agencies, debt buyers, and vendors that operate in the healthcare market of the ARM industry.

AHBA Advisory Board Members include:  

Ron Sargis, Esq., Attorney
Hefner, Stark & Marois, LLP

Tracy Campbell, V.P. Public Advocacy
California Hospital Association

Michael Klozotsky, Analyst
Kaulkin Ginsberg Company

Victoria Morgan, Former President
HFMA Southern CA Chapter

Sandy Lawrence, President
CMRE Financial Services, Inc.

Gail McCann, CDM Analyst
St. Mary Medical Center

Don Daly, President
G.T.M Recovery, Inc.

John H. Bedard, Jr., Attorney
Franzen and Salzano, P.C.

Once AHBA establishes a membership base of healthcare ARM companies, a second Board (elected from accredited members) will be formed to guide AHBA operations.

ARM companies who have not already done so may contact Jack Nixon, AHBA President, ( or Michael Klozotsky( for further information or to request membership application materials once available.  AHBA intends to distribute AHBA applications, pending the completion of the Advisory Board’s document review, in the next four to six weeks.


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