Members of the Commercial Collection Agency Association of the Commercial Law League of America (CCAA) report that business-to-business or commercial accounts, received by CCAA members declined sharply in the Second Quarter of 2010.

The dollar amount and the number of these accounts placed for collection declined by approximately 23% from the Second Quarter of 2009.

CCAA members reported the following regarding collectability of the accounts they received during the Second Quarter of 2010 compared to the First Quarter of 2010:

Collectability increased compared to previous quarter 28% 45%
Collectability remained the same compared to previous quarter 51% 50%
Collectability decreased compared to previous quarter 21% 5%

Emil Hartleb, Executive Director of the CCAA stated, “These figures reflect the general condition of the U.S. economy which is experiencing a slow recovery from the recession that began in 2008.  While wholesale sales and other commercial transactions are improving, they are not improving at a rapid rate.  Some economists are concerned that we might be facing a so-called “double dip” recession.”

The Commercial Collection Agency Association (CCAA) is an association commercial collection agencies that have been CERTIFIED by the Commercial Law League of America.  They represent the leaders in the commercial collection or business to business collection industry, handling about sixty-five percent of the commercial accounts placed for collection.  The Commercial Law League of America is the nation’s oldest creditors’ rights organization, founded in 1895.

Members of the CCAA subscribe to a strict Code of Ethics and undergo an intensive and continuing certification process.  For more information on CCAA, the certification process and its members, go to the Website: or call Emil Hartleb at (973) 239-0721.


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