DUBLIN — Research and Markets(http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/72faa5/tools_and_strategi) has announced the addition of the "Tools and Strategies for Running a Successful Credit Collection and Debt Recovery Operation" report to their offering.

This report presents The Asian Banker’s assessment of the industry and an authoritative guide on what it takes to establish and run a successful debt recovery operation. This document provides key insights for banks with well-established credit and recoveries operations to ones looking to just begin. It covers cost structures, workflows, management tactics, outsourcing, agent skills and training modules, segmentation, proper portfolio controls, and key performance indicators. Furthermore, The Asian Banker has also provided a thorough breakdown on the key technologies, basic and advanced scoring models, and decision-making methods that are required for different markets and volume levels.

This report also contains case studies from various banks across the region and compares their operations with others. Finally the report offers a universal guideline banks can use to know when they should take their debt recovery operation to the next level.

Report highlights:

  • The necessity for developing a successful credit and recoveries operation can no longer be an after-thought for banks. As markets become more saturated in terms of credit and risk appetite increases, the sophistication of debt recovery has also grown. Recovery operations, who just last year were using a whiteboard and dry-erase marker to track their clients, have implemented customized scoring and tracking platforms to aid their efforts. Scoring tools have become a must-have in nearly all markets today, with the most developed markets now needing sophisticated IT platforms, statistical data and call monitoring tools in order to keep up with the market.
  • However, debt recovery is still all too often a back-end process of the bank. While other bank functions are trying to predict the next market trend, many collection and recoveries operations lack the appropriate tools and can only react to the market developments. As net delinquency rates across the entire region continue to rise, an attentive eye has been turned towards the debt recovery function to deal with these outstanding debts. By engaging key players across Asia, Europe and America, The Asian Banker has been able to gain the best and latest insights and expertise into the matter.

Reasons to purchase:

  • Gain access to the best practices for running a successful debt recovery operation.
  • Understand the break down and analysis of analytics and technology used for debt recovery.
  • It provides several case studies on current recovery operations banks across the region employ, including specific market or portfolio developments and banks actions.
  • Gain insights into the areas of improvement in debt recovery for banks.
  • Identify the key benchmarks used by banks for assessing their debt recovery effectiveness and efficiency.

Who is the report for:

This report is essential reading for Heads of Consumer Banking, Heads of Consumer Analytics, Heads of Strategic Planning who wish to understand the debt recovery industry in the Asia Pacific, related technology vendors and consulting firms.

Key Topics Covered:


Executive Summary


Debt Recovery Overview

  • Current Approach to Debt Recovery in Banks
  • Frameworks

Planning and Strategizing

  • Determining Debt Recovery Needs
  • Evaluations and Audits
  • Cost Structure and Breakdown

Tactical Level Analysis

  • Decision-Making Tools
  • Technology
  • Outsourcing
  • Compliance

Operational Level Analysis

  •  Key Performance Indicators
  • Process Flows
  • Workflows
  • Management Structures
  • Personnel Performance and Skills


  • Tracking Technology and Analytics for Banks

Case Studies

For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/72faa5/tools_and_strategi




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