DCM Services, LLC, the industry leader in deceased account recovery, today announced it has received ISO/IEC 27001 certification. DCM Services is one of only 72 U.S. companies to achieve this distinction. The certification demonstrates DCM Services’ commitment to providing clients with the highest information security standards.

“We work with the largest credit grantors in the world. Protecting sensitive, personally identifiable information is critical to their business – and to ours,” said Steve Farsht, president and COO, DCM Services. “With ISO certification, we’re proud to validate the quality of information security we provide our clients, their customers and our investors.”

ISO/IEC 27001 represents the only auditable international standard to define the requirements for an Information Security Management System (ISMS). To achieve certification, organizations are required to provide evidence their information security management system has addressed information security risks in an objective, repeatable, measured and continually improving manner. The rigorous standard was previously known as BS 7799-2 (a widely recognized British Standard) and was published as an international standard in October 2005 by the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission.

DCM Services began the multi-phase ISO/IEC 27001-certification process more than a year ago. Its information security management system was audited by BSI Management Systems, an internationally recognized ISO/IEC certification body. Now that certification has been awarded, BSI will conduct yearly audits of DCM Services to ensure compliance. This process includes an onsite surveillance audit. The certification will be re-awarded to the company every three years subject to a full reassessment.

“The safety and integrity of our clients’ data is our highest priority, thus we are committed to industry best practices,” said Farsht. “While the rest of the collections industry has been satisfied using a general auditing standard, such as SAS 70, to evaluate their information security controls, DCM Services has taken security and reliability one dramatic step further through this certification process.”

About DCM Services
Minneapolis-based DCM Services, the industry leader in deceased account recovery, maximizes the value of deceased portfolios for companies that issue credit. Its unique Survivor Recovery™ Services increase recoveries, protect brand value and enhance survivor relationships – with respect and sensitivity. DCM Services has exclusive rights to the use of the Probate Finder® Solution to collect, consolidate and organize probate-filing information on a comprehensive, nationwide basis. The company was founded by James Balogh and Gary Becker, pioneers in the debt recovery industry.

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