As we move into the New Year and look back over the holiday season, many people in financial straits found some relief during that time. Debt Regret fulfilled many Christmas wishes as they saved over $1 million for their clients in December. Especially in these hard times, saving that amount of money through debt settlement is phenomenal. Debt Regret offers programs that provide opportunities for their clients in financial distress to essentially start over. Debt Regret helps their clients attain freedom from debt and begin again with a fresh financial slate.

Debt Regret is a debt settlement company. Debt settlement started in America less than 20 years ago, during the early 1990s. During that time banks were going through deregulation, and questionable lending practices came into frequent use. Unfortunately, these practices weakened America’s financial stability. Banks began carrying increasing amounts of liability on their books. Credit card debt rose sharply. It was in this environment that debt settlement was born. Banks were losing so much money that they established debt settlement departments to negotiate with credit cardholders to reduce card balances so that at least a portion of the principal could be repaid. This allowed banks to recover funds that would otherwise have been written off if the cardholder filed for bankruptcy. Debt settlement is in the lender’s best interest as well as the credit cardholder’s.

Debt Regret is one of the leading companies in the world of debt settlement, with their multiple certifications of good business practices, like TASC (The Association of Settlement Companies.) It is clear that Debt Regret has mastered negotiating with creditors – having saved clients over $1 million in a single month is proof of their commitment to their clients and skill at finding the best solution.

As the American economy becomes more unpredictable, debt settlement will become a more normal and needed service for many Americans. Debt Regret has been successfully helping people create a more stable financial base, and in times when the economy is anything but stable, having a trustworthy source to help provide financial stability is paramount.

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