SAN FRANCISCO — LiveVox Inc., the leading provider of hosted-dialer solutions, today announced time-zone curfew management for manual dialing. The feature upgrade enables credit and collection call centers to better control manual calls, while increasing efficiency and assuring compliance.

Credit and collection organizations typically have some control over dialing windows with legacy hardware. However, these firms have little to no visibility over calls dialed manually by their agents. LiveVox enables its client to exact complete control over these calls while combining them into blended campaigns matched with dynamic skills-based routing. This ensures both compliance and efficient handling of organizations’ most important calls.

“Curfew functionality is another example of the direct link between the evolving needs of our clients and LiveVox feature development,” said Louis Summe, Chief Executive Officer, LiveVox.  “The direction of this industry is more not less compliance oversight, including more certifications, more audits, reviews and proof of positive controls. LiveVox is committed to building feature sets that make it easy for our clients to meet the changing demands of the collections vertical.”

Despite its inefficiencies, manual dialing is widely used by the industry because of legacy hardware dialer constraints, including: the expense of licenses, the lag time in connecting the consumers to agents, and the inability to effectively control who fields the highest value calls. Manual dialing is a common tactic for new portfolios, skip tracing, and payment-promise follow-ups.

“Creating a more efficient and controlled collection process is the key to protecting margins during this consumer recession,” said John McNamara, Chief Marketing Officer, LiveVox. “Ideally, all calls should travel through a single solution for integrated recording, reporting and true blending, matched with skills-based routing. Legacy hardware makes this all but impossible because of cost and complexity. LiveVox allows clients to take a fresh approach to their portfolios while increasing visibility of their agents and control over campaigns.”  

Features of the LiveVox manual dialing solution:

  • Increased control and compliance with customized table-based dialing restrictions
  • Added effectiveness through campaign blending and dynamic skills-based routing
  • Enhanced agent monitoring for manual calls
  • Integrated call recording removes need for third-party recording solution
  • Integrated agent-level reporting across campaigns in real time

Last month, LiveVox announced another upgrade to its compliance suite that gives credit and collection organizations the ability to automate campaigns to meet specific state dialing standards.

“The cost of compliance is expensive both in real terms and the price of failure,” added Summe. “LiveVox is committed to driving down these costs for its clients’’

About LiveVox
LiveVox is the first provider of hosted dialer solutions for the credit and collections industry. Breakthrough, patented technology and deep industry knowledge allow LiveVox to assist clients with optimizing their operations and collection strategies. Private, carrier-grade VoIP networks enable LiveVox to maximize the productivity of leading credit, collections, debt purchase and call center organizations at the lowest cost of ownership in the marketplace. LiveVox is headquartered in San Francisco. For more information, visit



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