ICEware announces the launch of ICEware Global Services (IGS).  ICEware is the industry standard in distributed application architecture specifically targeted at the ARM industry and has been the first and only company to bring to market many innovative solutions.  ICEware is the world’s first completely customizable collection software and ICEware’s outsourced IT services have changed the way collection agencies do business.  With the launch of IGS, ICEware now adds on demand mission critical applications.

Today IGS is launching three new applications that will help agencies get control over the data that they handle. With HIPPA, FDCPA and FCRA requirements the failure of an agency to meet required control standards can be very costly if not catastrophic and IGS is here to help you mitigate this exposure.  Owners of agencies big and small know it is expensive to manage and even more difficult to maintain their LAN and WAN environments, email, websites and firewalls and last but not least their collection software and its customization.  IGS’ now handles all of this for our clients. Several months ago, ICEware began surveying our clients and global partners to try to find what their single biggest pain was.  Time and again we were told that there are simply too many technologies and by extension too many companies to contact to get anything fixed.  Agencies need to eliminate the frustrations associated with explaining the same problem over and over again.

Most Collection Agencies and Collection Law Firms have one firm or in house IT professional managing their collection software, another managing email and yet another managing their website and firewall.  Besides the aforementioned, there are three major problems with this approach: The first is the high cost of buying and maintaining servers and the hiring and management of IT support professionals.  The second is avoiding the chain of blame; is it the desktop, the application, the server, the email or the internet? This convoluted trouble shooting makes it difficult to find out who or what is at fault and even harder to solve the issue. The third problem is Disaster Mitigation; are we compliant with Federal and State requirements and does our back up really work?  Today’s agencies need to meet the demands of legislative bodies while simultaneously meeting the demands of clients. If your infrastructure fails or your technology fails, how do you fix it?  If your plan is hoping it never happens, that is no way to run your business.

According to Daria Teller, ICEware CEO, “ICEware has lifted a huge weight off of agencies struggling with the management of disparate technologies and people; finally, one call gets it all”. With the launch of IGS, Collection Agencies now have a partner that understands their needs.  Your IGS coordinator can help you create a website, manage email and help customize you ICEware Software.  For more information about IGS and the ICEware Collection Software please contact us at 866.927.0806



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