LiveVox, Inc., the industry’s first contact center carrier, today announced the LiveVox Voice Portal™. As the industry’s first contact center carrier, LiveVox integrates the application, network and transport layers on an IMS-based architecture in order to provide a hosted, uniquely tailored contact center solution.

By building IMS-based applications, LiveVox can deliver its voice solution to clients faster with the lowest total cost of ownership in the market for any network or premise-based solution. The LiveVox Voice Portal’s IMS-based architecture also allows for vertical integration of all layers of inbound and outbound voice application solutions, including application, network and transport. Adding to LiveVox’s original offering of inbound/self service and outbound dialing, LiveVox’s Voice Portal now offers Automatic Call Distribution (ACD).

“As the first contact center carrier, LiveVox is differentiated from other contact center solution providers, enabling us to rapidly deliver a more comprehensive solution for our clients,? said Louis Summe, CEO of LiveVox. “Our clients realize more rapid deployment and modifications of their applications, allowing them to be more responsive to market changes and to realize significant cost savings. And, they can deploy this solution without having to revise or replace their existing contact center infrastructure.?

In addition to offering a uniquely tailored contact center solution for each client, LiveVox delivers all of the carrier-related transport services in one vertical solution. This enables enterprises to take advantage of SIP access to the backbone, which reduces line requirements and delivers unlimited capacity and the highest voice quality available in the market. Additionally, this capability eliminates the need for clients to contract directly with carriers for this service.

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