Atlanta, GAInteractive Data LLC, (ID), the leading provider of right-party contact solutions for collections, healthcare, financial, debt-buying and cable industries has announced it has received the prestigious ISO 27001 certification. ISO, the International Standards Organization, creates standards that specify worldwide requirements for products, services, processes, materials and systems. ISO 27001 is the new international standard created specifically for Information Security Management Systems.

"It seems like everyday we hear about data breaches in the banking and the financial industries, the same is true in Credit and collections industries," said John Schaeffer, Managing Partner of Interactive Data.  "With the increased scrutiny within our industry and the heightened security concerns of our customers, our customers’ clients as well as several third party vendors, we felt that it was time to take a proactive approach and move toward ISO 27001:2005 certification."

Schaeffer added that "Interactive Data selected BSI as their registrar because they authored the standard and perform 90% if not more of all ISO certifications. To pass certification, an applying company must pass a rigorous and lengthy process. These requirements must demonstrate and provide evidence that an information security management system has addressed in a superior manner any potential security risks with a repeatable, measured and continually improving process."

“We utilized the services of Mapes Consulting to assist us in preparation for the ISO certification,” said Schaeffer, who personally oversaw the certification on the Interactive Data side. Jeremy Mapes, Principal of Mapes Consulting said, “Interactive Data demonstrated a serious commitment to information security management. Very few companies in this industry have had the level of intent and commitment to certify to the very prestigious ISO 27001:2005 standard. Interactive Data met and exceeded that challenge.  That shows a winning team that anyone would want to be affiliated or partnered with." Mapes went on to note that Interactive Data was one of the first, if not the very first, skip-tracing vendor to meet this very intensive and rigorous standard.

“The need for absolute security and safety of our client’s data is of paramount importance to Interactive Data,” said Schaeffer. “We are living in a new world where a data breach can irreparably damage a company’s reputation, yet most of the data providers that operate within the collection universe still adhere to the archaic auditing methodology that offers little peace of mind in such a high stakes environment."

About Interactive Data, LLC
Interactive Data, LLC (ID) is the industry leader in locating and identifying individuals that are typically difficult to find. Based in Atlanta GA, ID offers a variety of search products, including Cell Suppression, Credit Header, Real Estate Listings, Death Index, and Bankruptcy listing searches, as well as Data Warehousing and cost-efficient unmask-pricing for Directory Assistance. Leveraging more than fifty years of collections industry experience, ID creates relevant, customer-focused searches that are both comprehensive and cost effective. Each of these products work seamlessly with IDs advanced online and batch products. Interactive Data applications serve the collections, healthcare, financial, debt-buying and cable industries as well as law enforcement, and government applications.

For more information, please visit, or call toll free at (866) 584-2295 or direct at (678)584-5252.



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