Atlanta, Ga. Interactive Data, LLC, (ID) a leading provider of contact accuracy services has announced a partnership with FDCPA Case Listing Service LLC to provide alerts of FDCPA litigation via the Interactive Data suite of services.

John Schaeffer, Managing Partner of Interactive Data LLC said, “Collection agencies need to have as much information about an account as possible. The FDCPA Case database enables agencies to proactively and accurately identify a litigant involved in a prior legal action and plan accordingly”.

FDCPA Litigation is a fact of life for every collection agency, debt buyer and creditor rights attorney. In 2008, 5383 cases were filed against collection agencies in U.S. District Court for alleged violations of the FDCPA. This represents a 41% increase over filings in 2007. 2009 case totals are expected to exceed 7500 for the year.

Bill Pinkney, founder of FDCPA Case Listing Service LLC. said, “Interactive Data’s batch offering of our product is a perfect compliment to their already robust suite of services and provides debt buyers, agencies and creditor rights attorneys with a critical tool in identifying these accounts. Approximately thirty percent of these litigants file multiple suits and Interactive Data’s ability to provide a fully appended data match on these litigants in an ISO 27001 environment is a necessity for Accounts Receivable Management Firms.”

John Schaeffer added, “In this economy, the likelihood of litigation continues to rise. Knowing who those likely candidates are in advance is just smart business and can help to avoid a lot of heartache on the back side”. Schaeffer added that the batch service was up and running and that an online service was in development.

About Interactive Data
Interactive Data LLC (ID) is the industry leader in locating and identifying individuals that are typically difficult to find. Based in Atlanta GA, ID offers a variety of search products, including Real Estate Listings, Death Index, and Bankruptcy listing searches, as well as Data Warehousing and cost-efficient unmask-pricing for Directory Assistance. Leveraging more than fifty years of collections industry experience, ID creates relevant, customer-focused searches that are both comprehensive and cost effective. Each of these products work seamlessly with IDs advanced online and batch products. Interactive Data applications serve the collections, healthcare, financial, debt-buying and cable industries as well as law enforcement, and government applications.

For more information, please visit, or call toll free at (866)584-2295 or direct at (678)584-5252.

About FDCPA Case Listing Service LLC
Founded in 2007, FDCPA Case Listing Service is the premier provider of consolidated research tools designed exclusively for collection agencies, debt buyers, and creditor rights law firms. Searchable databases are designed to capture FDCPA and TCPA litigation in the US District Courts in the United States. These tools are used to mitigate risk, manage compliance initiatives, and provide a centralized reference database.

For more information, please visit

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