Lowell Group, a Leeds, United Kingdom-based debt purchasing specialist, has continued its impressive growth by achieving revenues well in excess of £5 million ($10 million) for July.

The record-breaking month, which is ahead of target, comes only 12 months after the Group broke through the £2.5 million a month barrier.

The past three years has seen both rapid and profitable growth for Lowell following significant investment in both technology and people.

Commenting on the financial milestone, chief executive of Lowell, James Cornell, said, "To increase our monthly turnover from £2.5m to more than £5m in one year is testament to the strength of the team and the efficiency of our operational platform. We are an extremely motivated and driven organization and I personally know how hard the team has worked to smash another milestone in the history of the company’s impressive performance to date. However, with our financial year end fast approaching, we will not become complacent and will maintain focus on achieving the ambitious annual targets we have set ourselves."

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