Eltman, Eltman & Cooper, the nation’s leading judgment enforcement firm, has improved dormant collections for some of the industry’s largest debt buyers by more than 50% in the past year. Eltman’s ability to successfully produce for its clients is due to its expertise in judgment enforcement. The firm currently has more than $1 billion in dormant judgments under management. Eltman is proving that unpaid judgments, once seen as an afterthought, are now a potent revenue source if managed correctly.

Eltman has been able to produce these unprecedented results for its clients because its sole concentration is on judgment enforcement. This intense focus, combined with the firm’s unique enforcement process, produces results where other generalist collection firms have failed. Eltman employs a staff of former NYPD detectives instead of skiptracers, who produce results on accounts even after other agencies have used the usual skiptracing methods and databases.

The firm also relies on more than 15 years of judgment enforcement data, which allows it to deploy its investigative resources cost effectively. Once an asset has been located, Eltman’s asset management team works intensely with its attorneys to ensure that the asset pays.

The firm’s proficiency in judgment enforcement has energized formerly stagnant collections segments by demonstrating unprecedented liquidations month after month to some of the most demanding clients in the industry. While results will vary from case to case and cannot be guaranteed, Eltman invites prospective clients to review its documented performance results. These results have convinced innovative creditors that the dormant judgment segment is a sleeping giant in their recovery arsenals.

More information contact Howard Barnard at (212) 660-3102 or hbarnard@eltmanlaw.com, or Gary Beet at (212) 660-3183 or gbeet@eltmanlaw.com

Eltman, Eltman & Cooper PC
EEC was founded in 1947 and is a leader in judgment enforcement and creditor rights. The firm’s headquarters are in New York City and it manages a network of more than 50 other law firms practicing in some 30 states.

Compliance and Ethics
All of the firm’s collection employees are rigorously trained on the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). There is extensive training and instruction on appropriate and professional conversations with debtors and ethical matters. The firm is also conscientious on compliance monitoring.

Eltman Eltman and Cooper is a member of the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys (NARCA) and strictly adheres to NARCA’s Ethical Aspirations. Eltman Eltman and Cooper is also believed to be the first credit and collections firm to launch a Philanthropy Department. In addition to its own programs, EEC has supported charities across the country, such as St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Susan G. Komen Foundation and the American Cancer Society.



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