By Patrick Lunsford,

With the story of state and local governments’ use of private debt collection firms making heavy rounds in the national and local media, industry expert — and of-late advocate — Mike Ginsberg will be making another appearance on the airwaves tomorrow morning.

Ginsberg has been asked to give a live interview covering the topic of local governments’ outsourcing of municipal past-due fees to private collection agencies. The discussion will air Friday morning on “Your Morning, With Connie and Greg” on Comcast cable channel CN8 between 9 and 9:30 am Eastern time. Comcast offers the channel on their network in 11 states from Virginia to Maine.

The interview will focus on consumers being contacted by collection agencies to pay up on overdue municipal bills ranging from parking tickets to library fines. While these stories have been circulating in the press for years, only recently have media outlets sought out the collection industry’s perspective on the matter.

If you live in the Northeastern US and have Comcast as your cable provider, you can watch the interview live on CN8 from 9-9:30am. If not, the story will be streamed on the CN8 web site. To access the stream, please visit

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