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Physicans Group Says Healthcare Reform is All About the Money

25 February 2013

Opinion: Managing The Revenue Cycle By Letting It Go To The Dogs

22 February 2013

Opinion: The Price of Healthcare When Walmart's Your Primary Care Physician

21 February 2013

ICD-10 – Will Your Partners Be Ready? PART II: Design and Implementation

21 February 2013

HHS Sets Final Rule for Health Insurance Benefits Under Affordable Care Act

20 February 2013

ICD-10 – Will Your Partners Be Ready? PART I: Project Initiation and Assessment

20 February 2013

Medicare Faces Automatic 2 Percent Cut March 1

18 February 2013

New Post-Hospitalization Codes Creates Revenue Stream Opportunity for Healthcare Providers

15 February 2013

Congress's Watchdog Finds Medicare a 'High Risk' Program, but It's Getting Better

15 February 2013

Federal Panel Finds No Evidence of Upcoding

14 February 2013

National Coordinator for Health IT Hosting Session TODAY on Health Information Exchange

14 February 2013

Opinion: This is What Healthcare Reform is Up Against

13 February 2013

HHS and Justice Department Recover $4.2 billion From Healthcare Fraud in 2012

13 February 2013

Healthcare Reform and Medicare: President Obama's 'State of the Union' Vs. the GOP Response

13 February 2013

Study Finds Price Transparency for Surgical Procedures Elusive

12 February 2013

American Medical Association Seeks Abolishment of Sustainable Growth Rate's 'Doc Fix'

11 February 2013

WEBINAR: Learn How Selling Delinquent Patient A/R Can Increase Your Hospital's Revenue

10 February 2013

HHS Strikes Down Mississippi's State Health Insurance Exchange Plan

8 February 2013

American Medical Association Refuses to Bend on Demand to Abandon ICD-10

8 February 2013

If Medicare 'Auctions' are the New eBay, Critics Aren't Buying

7 February 2013