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Now Is the Time to Sign Up Low-Income Patients to Medicaid

1 July 2013

Best Practices in Patient Portal Design: Case Study

1 July 2013

CMS Funds Ombudsmen Program to Watchdog Dual Eligibles

1 July 2013

Four Ways to Prevent Accounts from Moving to Collections

28 June 2013

Executive Change: Kathleen O'Brien Named Director of Coding Compliance for Pyramid Healthcare Solutions

28 June 2013

Ten Points Your Staff Must Know Before Implementing Point-of-Service Collections

27 June 2013

Hospitals Complain to Senate About RAC Practices

27 June 2013

Ten Points to Winning Support for a Point-of-Service Collections Project

26 June 2013

TIME Keeps Time with Healthcare Reform

26 June 2013

Employers as Payors: Shifting Healthcare Costs onto Employees, Providers

25 June 2013

Readmission Penalties: Little Impact on Controlling Medicare Costs?

25 June 2013

Leveraging Predictive Analytics to Fight Bad Debt

24 June 2013

Medicare Panel Examines Cutting Hospital Outpatient Reimbursements

24 June 2013

AMA Wants ICD-10 Mistakes to Not Count for Two Years

24 June 2013

Patient Deductibles Jump 150 Percent in One Year

24 June 2013

HFMA Unveils Peek into Proposed Medical Debt Collection Guidelines

21 June 2013

Healthcare Insurance Exchanges Ramping up for Oct. 1 Opening

21 June 2013

AMA Calls Obesity a Disease, and Congress Moves to Have Medicare Cover It

21 June 2013

Consumers Want Smartphone Healthcare; You Want to be HIPAA Compliant

19 June 2013

HFMA Enters Debate Over Future of Healthcare

18 June 2013