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Slowdown in Healthcare Costs Projected; Consumers Still at Risk

18 June 2013

If Healthcare Was a Sport, Would It Be Football?

17 June 2013

What's Ohio Saying About Rising Healthcare Premiums?

17 June 2013

Delaying Generic Drugs: Pay-for-Delay May No Longer Be an Option

17 June 2013

Healthcare Cash Collections and Self-Pay Technology

17 June 2013

HFMA Unveils Patient Financial Interaction Best Practices

16 June 2013

Legislation Governing Credit Reporting of Medical Debt Picks up Steam

14 June 2013

IPF on Forbes: IRS Nearing Decision on 240-Day Ban on 'Extraordinary Collections'

13 June 2013

Busting the Myth About Money Behind Lab Tests

12 June 2013

The Five Must-Haves When Selecting a Medical Debt Collection Partner

12 June 2013

Criticism of NYT Story on Colonoscopy Prices Rolls In

11 June 2013

Hundreds of Doctors Involved in Medicare Scam, Lab President Claims

11 June 2013

Healthcare Digest 6/10: Over-Reliance on Healthcare Pricing Transparency

10 June 2013

Putting Context around Projections of Medicare Health

10 June 2013

Four Building Blocks to Bring Your Outsource Partner into the Fold

10 June 2013

Healthcare Digest 6/7: Will California Lead the Nation in Obamacare?

7 June 2013

You've Selected an Outsource Partner for Your Conversion Project. Now What?

7 June 2013

American College of Physicians Offers 19-Point Plan to Replace SGR

7 June 2013

Hospitals Appealing RAC Denials in Record Numbers

6 June 2013

AHA Makes the Case for Hospital Consolidation, But the Facts Are the Facts

6 June 2013