For the third time in as many years, Account Control Technology, Inc. is again being recognized as one of America’s 5000 fastest growing private companies by  Inc. magazine.  2009 marks ACT’s greatest achievement thus far, having surpassed its previous two rankings and earning spot #2,452 on the list.

ACT was first honored by Inc. magazine in 2007 and again in 2008 based on revenue growth over the prior three years.  To earn its 2009 ranking, ACT’s growth during the 2005-2008 years was in excess of 123.2%–a record breaking increase in revenue!

“We are thrilled about being recognized for a third time as one of America’s fastest growing companies,” says Donald Taylor, ACT President. “Our projections support continued growth through 2010 with the majority of staff increases in our San Angelo Texas location.”

ACT utilizes a controlled-growth strategy to carefully balance increases in staffing, facilities, equipment, and technology to service its growing client base without sacrificing financial stability, customer service, or performance reliability.  

The Inc. 5000 list is the most comprehensive ranking of America’s independent-minded entrepreneurs.  Taken as a whole, these companies represent the backbone of the U.S. economy. Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including ACT’s profile can be found at

About ACT
Account Control Technology, Inc. is a national collection firm providing the educational market with groundbreaking debt recovery solutions for nearly 20 years as one of the most successful education-only agencies in the industry.  The company is headquartered in Canoga Park, California, with operation centers in Bakersfield, California and San Angelo, Texas.  ACT leverages a workforce of highly skilled professionals servicing hundreds of colleges, universities, guarantors, and private educational lenders across the country.  ACT is also a U.S. Department of Education contractor.


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