NCAN Services provided Request for Active Duty Status (RADS) military search demonstrations at the 70th annual convention of the ACA International held last week at The Wynn, Las Vegas.

RADS is an automated tool that allows collection law firms to increase the speed and efficiency at which they search Department of Defense databases for military status.  Many states require that collection attorneys conduct such a search prior to filing a collection law suit.

Dave Worton, principal at NCAN Services says “RADS is an example of the efficiencies NCAN Services provides to collection law firms as they search for the much needed tools to successfully manage increased volumes they are receiving from clients”.  In fact, Worton has received feedback from his clients telling him that their expense of conducting military searches have fallen more than one third of what they were when manual searches were utilized and the team members previously conducting the searches have been deployed to other tasks.

RADS automates the search process in batch mode and with its automatic scheduler, no manual interaction is required.  The scheduler is only one of the customizable features available within RADS.  Users can choose to either produce an image of the DOD screen results, or not, depending on their workflow and state requirements.  RADS will even add a file number to the document for easy review.  If image production is chosen, RADS allows for output format to be chosen including .tif, .jpg, .bitmap and .pdf formats.   CLS and JST users will also benefit from an enhanced feature that creates a file in the proper format and naming convention for the actual image to be directly loaded into their collection system.   Users may elect to produce YGC records to import to each record confirming that the military search has been completed.

NCAN Services provides customized solutions to the collections industry.  For more information on RADS or a need within your organization, please call Dave Worton at (678)267-2496 or


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