Aspect Software, Inc., the world’s largest company solely focused on the contact centre, announced today the appointment of Sean Liu as the country manager for greater China, a region that Aspect is targeting for continued expansion in support of a developing contact centre industry that analysts predict will grow by more than 20 percent this year.  Sean Liu will direct programs for helping customers achieve their business objectives through the contact centre, driving Aspect sales and strengthening regional channel partnerships throughout Greater China. He will also manage key product initiatives to ensure Aspect offerings are in line with customer and market needs.

“Sean Liu has more than 20 years of IT and business management experience that he will bring to bear on our plans for acquiring and supporting more customers and partners in the greater China region,” said Pramod Ratwani, vice president, Asia Pacific and the Middle East, Aspect. “His knowledge and skills, combined with our strategy and already established presence in APAC, will continue to lead Aspect in the right direction for this growing market.”

Prior to joining Aspect, Sean Liu held several senior management positions at multinational corporations, including Dell, Avaya Canada, Lucent, Intransa and Israel Lannet. He has a strong sales background in enterprise applications, technology platforms, systems integration, business consulting and technical support services. He also holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Western Ontario in Canada.

“Aspect Software is not only a product leader in the contact centre industry, but a thought leader that is continuously developing new ways to help companies throughout the world develop stronger customer service and sales and telemarketing programs,” said Sean Liu. “To work with professionals who know the market, the technology and the business so thoroughly is a great opportunity for me. I look forward to being part of the team at a time when APAC is growing in importance as a global contact centre hub for both local and international companies. I believe that Aspect can give them the competitive edge they need.”

Aspect, which has more than 60 partners in APAC and 170 globally, is the recipient of the 2006 Asia Pacific Frost & Sullivan Award for Growth Strategy Leadership in the Contact Center Applications Market. The company has been positioned in the leaders quadrant in all three regions analyzed by Gartner Inc. for its 2006 Contact Center Infrastructure Magic Quadrant, which includes Asia Pacific, EMEA and North America.

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