Grand Rapids, MI – They’re giving it all away, for free.

In an effort to combat the exploding number of FDCPA lawsuits plaguing American collection agencies, law firms and debt buyers, WebRecon LLC has announced an offer to scrub every collection firm’s consumer database, free of charge and with no further commitment or obligation. The offer covers each firm’s entire database, or up to 5 million consumers per company.

“Nearly 1000 new litigants are emerging every month, and 2009 is on track for a 40% spike in the number of FDCPA/FCRA lawsuits over 2008,” says company CEO Jack Gordon, who is a former collection agency owner himself.

He adds, “Debt collectors are under attack seemingly from every corner – radicalized debtors, consumer attorneys, federal agencies, Congress, state legislators, state attorney generals and the media. I am looking to give those who are the most besieged something of extraordinary value.”

Every lawsuit prevented can save many thousands of dollars. According to Gordon, a typical agency can identify dozens or even hundreds of prior litigants and head off any potential impending action from them.

The service, which is priced lower than the cost of defending or settling a single typical lawsuit per year, includes four components to help agencies identify prior litigants:

  1. A searchable database of consumer lawsuits to find individual litigants, defendants or attorneys
  2. A batch process that can segregate prior litigants at the rate of one million accounts per hour
  3. A semi-monthly spreadsheet of all new litigation
  4. The semi-monthly ‘Litigant Hotsheet’ which quickly identifies the most active consumer litigants

The companies that take advantage of this offer will have the option, at the end of the free scrub, to continue with the month-to-month service.

“Of course, I hope many of them will choose to stay on,” said Gordon, “but even if they just try it out and find some value from their initial scrubs, I will be happy to see them benefit from denying the professional litigants out there additional opportunities to extort money from our industry.”

Any collection firms who wish to learn more can visit

This offer expires on December 31, 2009, and slots are expected to fill up quickly.

About WebRecon LLC:
Creditors and collection firms use WebRecon’s services to easily segregate predictably litigious consumers from their databases. A significant percentage of consumer litigation is initiated by the same consumers over and over again, and screening them out of the general population can reduce lawsuits by as much as a third.

Next Article: Interactive Data Launches Batch Service for FDCPA ...
