ATLANTA – Interactive Data LLC, a leading provider of integrated contact accuracy solutions and Infinity Collection Systems, a leading developer of software for collection agencies announced today the signing of a partnering agreement.  Under terms of the agreement, Interactive Data will provide collection agencies and debt buyers, via the Infinity Collection System suite, the necessary tools to locate difficult-to-find debtor accounts.

“We are excited to integrate with Infinity Collection Systems”, said John Schaeffer, Managing Member of Interactive Data.  “This partnership allows us to quickly deliver streamlined skip-tracing and right-party-contacts within Infinity’s collection software package. The end result is an efficient turn-key solution for collection agencies and debt buyers”.

Kenneth Rubin of Infinity Collection Systems said “There is a need to continue to enhance the tools available to collection agencies to focus on targeting debtors that will likely pay, using the most efficient services available. We are excited to be working with Interactive Data to provide a complete turn-key solution for collection agencies”.

Schaeffer added the significance of the Interactive Data/Infinity agreement meant that customers would no longer be bound by the restrictions of legacy platforms, enabling access to advanced products provided by Interactive Data for the first time, and without undertaking a major engineering effort.

About Interactive Data
Interactive Data LLC (ID) is the industry leader in locating and identifying individuals that are typically difficult to find. Based in Atlanta GA, ID offers a variety of search products, including Cell Phone Suppression, Social Security, Real Estate Listings, Death Index,  Military Verification and Bankruptcy listing searches, as well as Data Warehousing and cost-efficient unmask-pricing for Directory Assistance. Leveraging more than a decade of collections industry experience, ID creates relevant, customer-focused searches that are both comprehensive and cost effective. Each of these products work seamlessly with IDs advanced online and batch products. For more information, please visit, or call toll free at (866) 584-2295 or direct at (678)584-5252.

About Infinity Collection Systems
Infinity Collection Systems (ICS) is the most robust open-source, multi-platform based software package on the market today. ICS currently supports collections agencies with 200+ users in both the open-source and Microsoft environments. Current users of ICS manage recoveries across all industries from large credit card issuers to the nation’s largest medical centers. ICS is designed to efficiently manage the agency workflow as well as incorporate industry leading safeguard to ensure maximum compliance. ICS offers collections software packages as feature rich as any package on the market for a fraction of the total cost. For more information please visit or call (312) 279-8404.



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