Salt Lake City—IAT released a new training feature, Monitoring, Coaching and Conferencing, for its hosted predictive dialing service April 1, 2009.

A Utah-based dialing technology company, IAT provides both site-premised and hosted dialing solutions for the collection industry. CT Impact hosted predictive dialing is similar to its site-premised counterpart technology, and it is provided as an affordable predictive dialing option for smaller collection agencies, account overflow and disaster-relief backup.

The Monitoring, Coaching and Conferencing feature combines three ways supervisors can listen to and assist agents during phone conversations with debtors. With monitoring, a supervisor can listen in to the agent’s phone conversation without being heard by either party. Coaching allows the supervisor to talk to the agent on the phone, without the debtor hearing the helpful comments, no matter how loudly the supervisor speaks. With the conferencing function, a supervisor can be heard by both agent and debtor.

 “IAT is always developing ways for our clients to improve agents’ productivity and the overall collection process using dialing technology,” Dave Rudd, IAT President and CEO, said. “With Monitoring, Coaching and Conferencing, supervisors can train or assist agents on a call with only as much guidance as needed. I am eager to hear about the positive results from this beneficial feature.”

IAT customers will learn more about using Monitoring, Coaching and Conferencing and other new hosted and site-premised features at the IAT User Conference, April 14 – 17th in New Orleans.

About IAT
IAT provides predictive dialing and interactive communications contacting solutions for the collection industry and related markets. Their products are installed in hundreds of organizations throughout the U.S., Canada, and South Africa. Using their cutting-edge product offering, CT Center, their predictive dialer and outbound/inbound IVR communications systems can operate simultaneously on a single Windows platform. In addition to site-premised systems, CT Impact, IAT’s Hosted Broadcast Messaging and Predictive Dialer service, increases debt recovery without an initial capital investment. By developing quality, collection-specific products and services, and providing outstanding customer service and support, IAT helps customers become significantly more productive and profitable. Founded in 1986, IAT is a privately held company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. To learn more about IAT, CT Center, and CT Impact, visit, send an email to, or call 800-574-8801.


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