I’d like to open by sharing some of the funnier remarks made by David Vladeck, Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, at the Federal Trade Commission:

Yeah. That sure didn’t stop Vladeck from trying his best to work the room like a Catskills comic. He opened by announcing that he was “David 1.0″ (“My staff say I’m still in beta!” Hahahaha. Ha.) and then suggested that debt collection professionals regularly eschew a formal “hello” for a more illegal “Hey, deadbeat: pay us the money you owe!” (Vladeck imagines this happening at some kid’s soccer game because, as we’ve already covered, collectors actually want to call at the most inconvenient time because they’d rather be jerks than, you know, do their jobs.)


Otherwise, we’re seeing a full house of slightly damp professionals. We’ll bring you more posts from the FTC’s Debt Collection 2.0 conference here in Washington D.C. as the day goes on.

Next Article: Talking M&A with Kaulkin Ginsberg (VIDEO) – ...
